The Importance of Septic Tank Cleaning

Many homeowners don’t give much thought to their septic tank—until sewage backs up into their home. This is a clear sign that the system needs to be pumped and cleaned.

Luckily, this is an easy process when you work with a professional septic tank cleaning service. They use large vacuum trucks with a high-powered hose to pump the tanks and remove the solid waste, which is then safely disposed of. Contact Septic Tank Cleaning Perth now!

A septic tank is an underground waste management system that collects wastewater from your toilets and bathrooms, garbage disposal, washing machine and dishwasher. Solid waste sinks to the bottom of the septic tank, while liquid waste flows out into a buried drain field on your property. A septic tank must be routinely inspected, maintained and emptied to avoid potential system failures.

When raw sewage enters the tank, it passes through an inlet baffle wall that directs most of the surface scum downward and away from the septic tank inlet pipe. The baffle reduces scum flow and aeration, which helps solids settle faster. It also helps prevent scum from clogging the inlet line and the absorption field.

Heavy solids sink to the bottom of your septic tank and form sludge. Lighter solids, such as fats and oils, float to the top of the tank and form a layer of scum. Aerobic bacteria in the septic tank break down these solids. Liquid wastes then enter a perforated pipe that leads out to your septic tank absorption field.

Wastewater from your home and the septic tank must be treated before it is discharged into a natural water course or to a public sewer system. Untreated sewage can quickly clog absorption fields and cause the septic tank to overflow.

It is important to avoid contaminating your septic system and its surroundings. Avoid driving or parking cars, trucks and equipment over the septic tank, drainage field, leach lines or absorption field. Do not build structures, such as pools or decks, over a septic tank or drainage field. Planting trees over a septic tank or absorption field can damage the tank and absorption system.

A septic tank should be pumped out every three to five years, depending on how many people live in your home and the amount of waste it produces each day. Your septic system can be overloaded or the tank could fail if you flush materials that don’t degrade easily, such as cigarette butts, cotton swabs, facial tissues, coffee grounds, plastics, dental floss, pet feces, cooking oils and bones. A septic professional can add adult live bacteria that are “faculative,” which means they work well with or without oxygen, to your septic system to help it perform better.

How Does a Septic Tank Work?

Water from your toilet (called blackwater) and the sink, tub, shower and washing machine (called grey water) all run into a main drainage pipe that leads to your septic tank. Inside your septic tank, solid wastes sink to the bottom and form a layer of sludge. Fats, oils and grease float on top of the wastewater, and bacteria in your tank break down these organic waste pollutants. The resulting liquid wastewater is called effluent. This flows into a pipe that exits your septic tank and runs through a septic drain field. The drain field is an area of gravel that acts as a natural filtration system.

Once the septic tank collects all of the household wastewater, it holds the waste for some time. This gives the sludge and scum particles time to separate. Heavy solids sink to the bottom of the tank and are broken down by microorganisms, while the lighter scum rises to the surface and partially decomposes. In the meantime, filtered effluent is released from the top of the tank to flow through a distribution box that evenly distributes the liquid waste into the drain field.

A septic system can last for years with proper maintenance. However, if you notice that your toilets are flushing slowly or smell bad, the septic tank may be failing. If you think your septic system is in trouble, consult a professional for advice.

Usually, septic tanks are buried underground and out of sight. They look like large metal or plastic boxes with a lid. They have a baffle wall on one side and a pipe on the other that goes to a leach field in the ground. A septic tank is typically made from concrete, fiberglass or high-quality polymers that are resistant to cracking when exposed to underground conditions.

A septic tank also has inspection ports and a manhole for pumping, which is a regular part of maintenance. The system also has a vent pipe to release gases from the septic tank. These gases are mostly methane, carbon dioxide and some sulfurous gases like hydrogen sulfide.

Why Do I Need to Have My Septic Tank Cleaned?

A septic tank is a large concrete vessel that stores wastewater until bacteria digests it. If the septic system becomes overtaxed with waste, it will begin to clog. This can cause wastewater to back up into your home. Regular septic tank cleaning helps prevent this from happening.

A professional septic tank cleaning service technician will use a specialized vacuum truck and a high-powered hose to remove the sludge from your septic tank. This process is safe for the environment and the technicians are trained to do it quickly and efficiently.

Once the septic tank is cleaned, the wastewater that was previously stored in it will flow out into your drain field and absorption system. It is important to note that this water will contain a lot of sludge and organic solids as well as a clear liquid layer. The sludge layer is made up of the inorganic waste from your home, and the scum layer is composed of organic material that washes away down your drains.

Over time, the inorganic waste will build up in your septic tank and rise to the top of the tank. This is when it is most important to get your septic tank pumped. This is because the septic tank will be full of a solid compound that could block the outlet tee and prevent wastewater from leaving the tank and flowing into your drain field.

This clog will prevent the bacteria in your septic system from digesting all of the wastewater and can cause sewage to back up into your home. Regular sewage tank cleaning will ensure that the inorganic waste is kept to a minimum and allows the bacteria to continue doing their job.

In addition to ensuring that the bacteria can continue to work, it is also a good idea to have your septic tank pumped before hosting a large party or event. This way, the massive amount of wastewater can exit your septic system quickly rather than overwhelming it and causing pre-mature field failure or sewage backup into your home.

How Often Should I Have My Septic Tank Cleaned?

Septic tanks need regular maintenance to avoid costly emergency repairs and early replacement. By implementing a routine septic tank cleaning schedule, you will extend the lifespan of your system and minimize the risk of solid wastes spilling out into the surrounding soil and water sources.

When wastewater enters the septic tank, bacteria inside will begin to break down the organic wastes. The bacteria will create layers of inorganic wastes, called sludge, and liquid waste, known as effluent. Eventually, the inorganic sludge layer will reach the bottom of the septic tank and the liquid waste will rise to the top of the septic tank. The effluent will then flow through a drain field and into the soil where it will be naturally filtered and purified.

The amount of time between septic tank cleanings depends on the size of the septic tank, the number of occupants in the household and the volume of water usage. For most septic systems, it is recommended to have the tank pumped every three to five years.

During septic tank pumping, the service provider will insert a long vacuum hose into the septic tank opening and use a suction mechanism to remove all of the sludge from the tank. They will then check the septic tank levels and look for cracks, leaks and other problems. If the septic tank levels are too high, it may indicate that the septic tank is leaking or that the drain field has a problem.

Another sign of a septic tank that needs to be cleaned is sewage backups in the house. These are a major health and safety concern and require immediate attention. If the septic tank is too full, it will not be able to handle the waste flowing into it and will back up into the house.

It is important to have a professional evaluate your septic system and determine the correct pumping schedule. A septic tank that is overfilled will leak into the environment and cause severe damage to surrounding soil and water sources. Additionally, a septic tank that is not cleaned regularly will overflow and create a toxic mess that can cause serious health issues for your family. By working with a septic tank servicing company, you can avoid expensive repairs and protect your home and the surrounding ecosystem.