What Is Brick Masonry?

Brick Masonry Charleston SC is a type of construction that uses bricks. These units can be bonded together by mortar to create a structure. Bricks are typically made from clay. They can be manufactured using dry press or soft mud processes.

Before you begin building your brick wall, make sure to prepare the foundation. Also, wet your bricks a few hours before starting to avoid them absorbing too much water from the mortar.

Brick masonry is one of the most cost-effective construction methods. It is durable and aesthetically pleasing, and it can add value to your home. However, it is important to keep in mind that masonry construction requires more time and labor than other types of building materials. Masonry is a skilled profession, and masons often charge more than other laborers. It is also important to remember that the quality of the materials you use will affect the cost of the project.

The cost of brick masonry depends on the type of wall you are building, the location of your property, and the size of the structure. In addition to these factors, the amount of mortar and reinforcement you need will impact the price of your brickwork. Typically, a brick masonry wall will require less mortar than a concrete block or stone wall. This is because brick walls have a thinner profile than other masonry types, which reduces the number of joints needed for strength.

Masonry structures are highly durable, and when properly designed, will last much longer than their required life. Many historic buildings and engineering structures have proven the durability of masonry, and you can expect your new brick walls to be no different.

If you are building a small brick wall, it will probably cost about $7 per square foot to have a mason install it. However, the price of bricks will vary from region to region, so it is best to get multiple estimates before choosing a mason.

Some masons may offer flat rate pricing for projects, but this is not always the case. Other masons will charge an hourly rate, and this can increase the overall cost of the project. If you are building a larger brick wall, you will need to consider additional costs such as framing and the installation of windows or doors.

Brick masonry is typically more expensive than other types of masonry, such as stone or concrete block. The reason is that bricks are made of clay and fired in a kiln, while stones and concrete blocks are cast from concrete. Additionally, a brick masonry wall will have fewer mortar joints than a stone or concrete block wall.


Brick masonry is a popular building material that’s durable and long lasting. It has a number of advantages over other materials, including its lower cost and ease of maintenance. It is also very attractive to potential home buyers because it adds character and value to a property. However, like all other building materials, it’s important to choose the right type of brick for your home.

When it comes to choosing a brick for your project, consider how long you want it to last. The durability of a brick depends on the clay and sand used in its construction, as well as the environment in which it will be located. In addition, the quality of the mortar used is crucial for a successful installation.

Masonry bricks can be made from either dry press or soft mud. Soft mud bricks are formed using water and clay, which is then compressed by hydraulic presses into steel molds. The bricks are then fired in ovens to make them strong. The process of manufacturing bricks takes between 10 and 40 hours, depending on kiln type and other factors.

Brick masonry has been used for centuries and can be found in many historic buildings around the world. Its durability is a result of its high density, which leaves little room for combustion to spread. It also offers excellent water resistance and can withstand harsh weather conditions. Brick masonry is also very easy to maintain and is a great choice for outdoor applications, such as retaining walls.

Moreover, bricks can be easily repaired and replaced if they are damaged due to age or weather. They are also fire resistant, which makes them a good choice for constructing exterior walls. However, brick masonry should not be used in areas where seismic activity is likely to occur. Additionally, it is important to use a hydrophobic sealant to protect against water damage. This will prevent algae growth and maintain the integrity of the structure.


Brick masonry is a flexible building material that can be used in a variety of ways to create inspiring architecture. Its unique color and texture lend a distinct charm to any design, making it an ideal choice for many buildings. Brick masonry also requires less mortar than other materials, such as stone, which helps to save on construction costs. Additionally, it is easy to find and affordable, allowing it to be used in any part of the world.

The most important advantage of brick masonry is its flexibility. Because each brick is a small unit in a universal shape, it can be combined with neighboring brick units in endless combinations to achieve a variety of looks. Masons have been combining brick units in a wide range of bond patterns and orientations since brick was first used for building. This flexibility allows brick masonry to be used in any style of design, from playful patterns to dramatic juxtapositions and even carefully planned projections.

In addition, the bricks can be produced in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. This flexibility allows builders to customize the look of a structure without increasing its cost or complexity. This is particularly useful in high-rise buildings, where each floor must be shaped to meet the specific needs of the occupants.

Bricks can be made by both wet and dry pressing. Wet press bricks use a mixture of soft clay and water, while dry press bricks are formed from a thicker mixture of drier clay with hydraulic power. Both methods offer a range of benefits, including improved strength and durability.

One of the most significant factors in determining the flexibility of brick is how the joints are treated. The way that the mortar joints are finished can have a great impact on both the structural integrity and appearance of a wall. Several different joint types are available, from the simple flush joint to the more decorative concave joint that is created by pushing a rounded tool into the mortar. In addition, the mortar joints can be filled with different materials to provide a wide range of aesthetics.


Brick masonry is an incredibly durable material, but it does require routine care to keep it looking great. Inspecting brick masonry on a regular basis and taking action to correct damage as soon as it appears prevents costly repairs and long-term issues with the structure’s integrity. Some of the most important maintenance tasks include detecting deterioration in the mortar, removing algae growth, addressing water damage and checking for signs of frost damage.

The deterioration of mortar is one of the most common causes of brick damage. It can cause bricks to rub against each other and lead to the formation of mold and efflorescence, which is an indication that the wall is absorbing moisture. Deteriorating mortar should be chiseled off and replaced with a fresh layer of mortar, ideally using a pre-mixed masonry product to ensure proper adhesion.

Moss, mildew and lichen are also harmful to brick walls, so they should be removed as soon as possible. The simplest way to remove moss, mildew and lichen is to use a solution of bleach and water and scrub the surface of the brick. It’s best to use a soft-bristled brush and wear protective gear such as gloves, a mask and safety goggles.

Moisture damage is a serious problem for brick masonry, especially in humid climates. In order to avoid moisture damage, it’s necessary to inspect brickwork yearly for water damage and take steps to address it as soon as possible. Look for signs of water damage such as splashback, rising dampness and leaking gutters.

If you notice any of these problems, it’s important to hire a professional for a quick and easy repair. You can also prevent water damage by making sure that there is adequate drainage around the foundation area and that rainwater flows away from the brick wall. It’s also important to trim any vegetation that comes into contact with brick walls.

Finally, make sure that the weep hole is unobstructed and functioning properly to prevent water penetration. A weep hole is a small gap that allows water or excess moisture to escape from the brick cavity, and it should never be covered or blocked with debris such as leaves, rodent nests or brick.